Issue 4 probably brings out the best of the past issues together. As well as foils in multiplying parasitic aliens using mad-with-grief humans as incubators. But he feels disruptive to an otherwise great story about Bloodshot reflecting on his daughter’s conception. I dunno maybe this is how he’s acting in that coming series X-O Manowar Unconquered in March. As someone who reviewed past X-O Manowar series, Aric acts more boastful compared to the humbled warrior out-of-time.

Like the kid friendly ad above in a review for a maturely aimed comic. In issue 3, we have X-O Manowar whose characterization feels jarring next to Bloodshot. It allows the reader to feel that this antagonist is consumed by his grief after losing everything. All before coming to a heavy halt as Pluto becomes obscured by the last panel’s art.

Most of the dialogue balloons are purposefully out of focus as each panel zeroes in on driving actions. And no, it’s not just Jordie Bellaire’s retro coloring. Despite lacking a face for expressions, Pluto’s flashbacks make up for it by displaying genuine melancholy. Unlike Pluto whose tragedy mirrors Bloodshot’s. Which is why the main plot is so interesting. Whether it’s because people wanted to make weapons out him or contain him. The tragedy of Ray Garrison is that he not only lost his old life, every chance he had to build a new one is torn down. He feels like a character who could’ve been anybody.

Bloodshot’s appeal isn’t just the comparisons he has with Marvel’s Wolverine. From secret societies and military programs that’ve lost relevancy, to a focus on weightless actions. What held those back were a number of redundancies and action movie cliches. This is the character fans come to love, not the poor attempts at capitalizing on a movie.

He’s lost just about everything that gave him purpose and doesn’t even have the luxury of death. We have Bloodshot feeling like a veteran soldier battling depression. Bloodshot Unleashed From Mediocrityīloodshot Unleashed succeeds with a great followup to Jeff Lemire’s character defining run. But because that daughter inherits his powers, Ray had to go on the lamb to protect her. That’s despite getting a girlfriend and a daughter to love. Even when he settles down as Ray Garrison, Bloodshot just couldn’t get away. This proves to not be easy as Bloodshot grappled with the weight of his past actions. Eventually, Bloodshot escaped from PRS’s grasp to fight the good fight and get his own life.